This short film shows you how to tackle the enjoyable task of developing Pine seedlings or saplings into bonsai, and shows you how to fatten the trunks as quickly as possible.
Keeping lower branches in place while you fatten up the trunk is vital as is adding some movement. Not doing this work in the first years will result in straight trunks with no low down branches suitable for the tree as a bonsai.
I’ve always totally rejected the idea of selling cheap imported trees. ‘S’ shaped Chinese Elms and similar growing in a soil that almost guarantees a very difficult time for the owner, unless they know to repot at the earliest opportunity into a better quality soil.
Selling bonsai destined to die to folks who don’t know better, just isn’t something I want to be involved in.
However, there is a need for beginners for cheap and healthy, vigorous trees. So I’ve recently discovered a nursery selling exactly that! Better still, the trees are very suitable projects for more experienced growers looking to develop smaller sized Shohin bonsai.