This short video describes the essential task of Partial Defoliation Of Outer Leaves in late Spring/early Summer on well-refined Japanese Maple bonsai and other densely ramified bonsai. In the coming week I will be also publishing a video my partial defoliation technique for Beech, Hornbeam and Oak that can be utilised on most deciduous trees for building up excellent ramification.
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August 11, 2022
Related bonsai Videos
August 11, 2022
This short video describes the essential task of Partial Defoliation Of Outer Leaves in late Spring/early Summer on well-refined Japanese Maple bonsai and other densely ramified bonsai.
August 11, 2022
This film shows my technique for greatly increasing the ramification of my deciduous bonsai. Partial defoliation is particularly useful for species such as Fagus/Beech, Quercus/Oaks and Carpinus/Hornbeam but is also suitable for all deciduous species across the board.
December 14, 2022
This film features the late summer repotting of a big yamadori Pinus sylvestris or Scots Pine bonsai collected in the French Alps.