Cydonia is a native of SW Asia where it is found growing on rocky slopes and in woodland margins. It is a deciduous tree or large shrub with ovate, alternatively arranged leaves. Attractive, shallow bowl-shaped pink or white flowers appear in late Spring and are followed by edible, pear-like yellow fruit.
Cydonia is a Genus of one species; Cydonia oblonga, and should not be confused with the flowering quinces (Chaenomeles genus).
POSITION: Full sun; if affected by mildew ensure good air-circulation. Hardy to -10°C.
FEEDING: Every two weeks throughout the growing season.
REPOTTING: Every two years as buds extend in Spring.
PRUNING: In late Winter hard-pruning and formative pruning can be carried out, then leave to grow unhindered in Spring until flowering has finished after which new shoots can be repeatedly pruned to maintain shape.
PROPAGATION: Sow seed outside in Autumn. Take greenwood cuttings in early-Summer or semi-ripe cuttings in mid- to late-Summer. Take hardwood cuttings in Winter. By ground or air-layering in late Spring.
PESTS AND DISEASES: Susceptible to quince fire-blight, fireblight and mildew.
STYLING: Informal upright forms and cascades with single or multiple trunks. Suitable for medium to extra-large sizes.