Deutzia is a genus of about 60 species of mainly deciduous shrubs found in scrub and woodland from the Himalayas to E Asia. Leaves, usually to 7cm long, are opposite, ovate to lance-shaped and mainly toothed.
The main feature of Deutzia are the numerous 5-petalled, cup or star-shaped, fragrant white or pink flowers that are borne from mid-Spring to mid-Summer.
The two Deutzia species that tend to be used are both Japanese natives, D. scabra and D. gracilis.
Deutzia gracilis bears abundant pure-white flowers in summer and has ovate, bright green leaves. In its natural habit it makes a small-ish shrub of around 1metre by 1 metre.
Deutzia scabra has peeling, pale brown bark and ovate, dark-green leaves. In early summer it produces a profusion of star-shaped white flowers with a pink tinge to the outer edges. A more vigorous Deutzia, D. scabra will often reach 3 or more metres in its native Japan. There are a number of varieties available, most of which producing variations of flower colour or petal number.
POSITION: Full sun. Fully hardy to -10°C but tender spring growth needs protection from late frosts.
FEEDING: Every two weeks during the growing season.
REPOTTING: Annually in Spring as buds extend.
PRUNING: Hard prune after flowering has finished. Pinch back resulting new growth. Pruning between late Summer and Spring will result in removal of flower buds.
PROPAGATION: Sow seed outside in Autumn. Softwood cuttings in summer, hardwood cuttings in Autumn.
STYLING: Informal upright forms and cascades with single or multiple trunks in medium to large sizes.