Elaeagnus is a genus of about 45 species of deciduous or evergreen shrubs or trees mainly from Asia that are found growing in thickets and dry areas. They are fast growing, wind resistant plants that grow well in poor soils. There are a number of Elaeagnus species suitable for use as bonsai including E. multiflora that is a deciduous shrub with leaves that are green on top and silver below. Elaeagnus pungens, a dense, spiny shrub with dark-green leaves is also a very useful species.
Elaeagnus produce small, sometimes fragrant flowers in Spring and these are followed by small edible, colourful fruit.
POSITION: Full sun or partial shade. Give frost protection below -5 °C.
FEEDING: Every two weeks throughout the growing season.
REPOTTING: Every two or three years in Spring as new buds extend.
PRUNING: Hard pruning should be carried out in Winter. Trim new shorts throughout the growing season.
PROPAGATION: Sow seed outside in Autumn. Take greenwood cuttings in late Spring or semi-ripe cuttings of deciduous species in mid-Summer.
PESTS AND DISEASES: Susceptible to coral spot.
STYLING: Informal upright forms in small to large sizes.