
Harry Harrington Bonsai4me

MAINTENANCE PRUNING Part One: The Need for Regular Pruning

Bonsai are ordinary tree species that require regular pruning to keep their diminutive shape. Without pruning, branches extend and the tree begins to lose its shape. Given enough uninterrupted growth, these branches can eventually thicken out of scale with the trunk and become coarse. Eventually, if left unpruned for long enough, a bonsai will simply […]

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pinch out Japanese Maple bonsai

MAINTENANCE PRUNING part two: Pinching Out Deciduous Trees

Home / Pinching Out Developing Buds on Broad-Leaved Species to Aid Refinement To increase refinement on bonsai that have their basic trunk and branch structure established, a technique called ‘pinching out’ can be used. With this technique, new growth within the vigorous areas of the tree is either partially or completely removed before it extends.

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