




SEARCH FOR your Bonsai basics

September 7, 2023
Watch out for early leaf-fall on your bonsai!
March 23, 2023
How to clean your bonsai tools and woodcarving bits easily
March 12, 2023
An Introduction to Bonsai Soils
March 10, 2023
Deterring birds from the moss on your bonsai.
November 15, 2022
When Will Spring Start? Examining Why The Start of Spring Varies Each Year
September 21, 2022
It is easy to acquire too many trees when doing bonsai!
September 21, 2022
During one of the hottest Summers on record in the UK and Europe this year, much effort had to be made to keep our bonsai shaded and sufficiently watered, particularly as temperatures hit the upper 30°C mark.
September 21, 2022
Within the Art of Bonsai, there are a number of rules or guidelines that are intended to help both the viewer and practitioner understand or learn what makes a good or ‘bad’ bonsai design.
September 21, 2022
Understanding basic plant physiology is also essential to understanding how bonsai techniques are used to alter the natural growth habit of plants and the effect that these techniques have on bonsai.
August 25, 2022
Repotting Bonsai- Part One. Understanding how and why we root prune bonsai.
August 16, 2022
Although it is not necessary to be conversant in Japanese bonsai terms, it can be useful to know some of the more commonly used words and phrases
August 16, 2022
An article to guide you into learning about bonsai.