We are devoted to the
art & practice of Bonsai.

By Bonsai Artist Harry Harrington.

Bonsai4me was initially launched as a website by its author, bonsai artist Harry Harrington, in October 2001. The website has grown year-on-year over the course of over 22 years, as its reputation for clear, interesting and informative articles has spread throughout the world. With three books now published in hardback, regular appearances in bonsai magazines, as well as bonsai shows and demonstrations across the Europe, Bonsai4me.com has grown into a leading name in Bonsai.

NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE ON YOUR BONSAI journey, beginner or expert, we can help

Ulmus minor/English Elm bonsai

If you’re new to bonsai, you need to learn the best ways to keep your new trees healthy and vigorous. From root-pruning to repotting, pruning to wiring and basic bonsai design.

a catch-up with this big Cedar forest
BONSAI Species Guides

There are a large number of different species of trees that can be used for bonsai. Here is a list of 100 of the most commonly species, and how best to look after them.

YouTube videos & tutorials

A selection of tutorials and interviews from Harry Harrington, as well Bonsai Show footage, bonsai styling, yamadori-hunting and carving.

Indepth bonsai articles and Progression Series.

May 27, 2023
The best way to increase ramification in hornbeam (Carpinus), oak (Quercus) and beech (Fagus), and many broadleaf trees.
November 27, 2022
Before Juniper branches can be wired, it is necessary to thin out the foliage.
September 21, 2022
Collecting Hawthorn Bonsai Yamadori in New Zealand
November 27, 2022
Once the excess Juniper bonsai has been thinned out, it is possible to coil wire around the branches in order that they can then be repositioned.
November 16, 2022
Developing branches for deciduous bonsai.
April 4, 2022
This video illustrates further the method for recovering newly collected deciduous yamadori bonsai (as well as weak trees), using a cheap black plastic bag. The use of the bag creates a very humid environment immediately…
March 12, 2023
Soil Mixes for Weak and Newly Collected Trees
August 16, 2022
How to repot and rootprune your bonsai. A how-to guide.

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By bonsai artist Harry Harrington.

Harry Harrington is a father of two from Oxford now based in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England. He started bonsai in 1995 and is entirely self-taught. An acclaimed artist specializing in deciduous trees, he also has a reputation for his deadwood carving and as a bonsai teacher.

Books by Harry Harrington have now been read in over 40 different countries around the world and translated into 6 different languages.

The Foundations of Bonsai 2nd Edition


‘The Foundations of Bonsai’ is the ideal book for beginners to intermediate enthusiasts wishing to learn the best ways to keep their trees healthy and vigorous. From root-pruning to repotting, pruning to wiring to basic bonsai design, this book provides complete, straightforward and solid information from the author of Bonsai4me.com. Find out more

Bonsai book Foundations Of Bonsai


European Larch bonsai
Partial Defoliation of Larch bonsai
Japanese White Pine bonsai
A fantastic weekend in the deepest New Forest